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Adapting hydropower for flexibility: an overview

The presentation provides a comprehensive framework to analyse hydropower flexibility and its contribution to existing and future power systems. The different technologies considered in the XFLEX HYDRO project to enhance hydropower plant flexibility are first introduced. Then the Ancillary Services Matrix and the Flexibility Key Performance Indicators used by XFLEX HYDRO across a range of technologies are presented. The results of a system-level analysis comparing the impact of existing ancillary services on electric power system stabilisation are also presented.

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This presentation is part of the XFLEX HYDRO project showcased at the final event - Future of Hydro in Lausanne. The event took place on January 31 and February 1, 2024. Explore the innovative discussions and insights shared during this significant gathering by downloading the presentation below.


Carlos Moreira, Associate Professor (FEUP) and Senior Researcher (INESC TEC)

Christophe Nicolet, Managing Director, Power Vision Engineering

Elena Vagnoni, Head of Research Projects Group, EPFL - PTMH

Manuel Vaz Castro, Researcher, INESC TEC