Understanding the power and energy services needed to balance the grid, both now and in the future, is an important first step.
Key words: flexibility solutions, KPIs, ASM
Key words: guidelines, replicability, key performance indicators, testing, modelling
Key words: energy markets, incentives, energy transition, barriers
Key words: BESS hybridisation, Kaplan turbine, run-of-river, EDF
Key words: smart power plant supervisor, range extension, Alto Lindoso, EDP NEW
Key words: Hydraulic short circuit, Smart Power Plant Supervisor, Alqueva, EDP
Key words: high head, pumped storage, hydraulic short circuit, Grand'Maison, EDF
Key words: hydraulic short circuit, directly-fed induction machine, Frades, EDP
Key words: pumped storage, full-size frequency converters, Grande Dixence, Alpiq
What is flexibility, how does it apply it hydropower and how can we quantify its benefits?
Energy leaders met in Switzerland today to hear about a series of technological upgrades made to hydropower plants across Europe to support the energy...
Key words: DPL operating points, FSI modelling, Finite Element analyses
Key words: Failure analysis, Diagnostics, thrust bearing damage
Key words: Variable speed operation, Francis Turbine, Doubly Fed Induction Machine
Key words: CFD simulations, SST and SBES turbulence model,
Understanding flexibility offers key insights into how renewable energy can adapt to our evolving needs. A step behind the scenes at EDP’s hydropower plants...
Key words: visual identity, branding, flexibility
Key words: Full Size Frequency Converter, hydraulic transient simulations
Key words: Best Efficiency Point, Francis turbine, artificial intelligence techniques
Jean-Louis Drommi shares a groundbreaking journey into the fusion of hydropower and artificial intelligence. His first-hand account provides a unique insight...
Key words: natural frequencies, Kaplan turbine
Key words: Frequency containment reserve, hybrid mode
Swiss energy company Alpiq is hosting a private visit to the Z’Mutt hydropower plant for partners of the European innovation project XFLEX HYDRO.The purpose...
Key words: power plant transients, hydraulic short circuit mode
The first results of the XFLEX HYDRO project have been unveiled in Switzerland this week. They promise benefits for power plant owners, for the environment...
This webinar presented an update on the XFLEX HYDRO project.
OZ-EN-OISANS, 17 October 2022 – With energy experts scrambling to find a solution to the looming gas supply crisis in Europe, a relatively simple upgrade to a..
Download the Ancillary Services Matrix
Part two of the online World Hydropower Congress session ‘Smart hydropower: extending power…
Frades 2 is a new 780 MW pumped storage hydropower plant in northern Portugal
Z’Mutt is a pumping station located in Canton Valais, Switzerland
Part one of the online World Hydropower Congress session ‘Smart hydropower: extending power…
Alqueva is a pumped storage scheme in southern Portugal that was built in two phases…
Vogelgrun is a 142 MW run-of-river hydropower plant in France, situated near the border with Germany…
Sitting in the French Alps, Grand'Maison is Europe’s largest pumped storage plant at 1,800 MW…
Caniçada is a 70 MW hydropower plant with reservoir storage…
Exploring the emerging opportunities for hydropower plants to provide new short-term flexibility…
HEIDENHEIM, 26 SEPTEMBER 2022. One of the most ambitious research and technology projects in the energy sector is entering its last phase, with less than a...
Find out more about why hydropower's support of variable renewables, such as wind and solar…
The deployment of any flexible technology depends, among other things, on assessment of its cost-benefits and socio-environmental impacts.
The Vogelgrun hydropower plant on the Rhine River is testing how a battery energy storage system (BESS) can increase the flexibility of the plant and reduce...
The Grand'Maison hydropower plant in the French Alps is testing how Hydraulic Short Circuit (HSC) technology can enable the simultaneous use of very high head..
The next step is developing an innovative methodology to integrate and fully utilise the demonstrated hydro technologies at new and existing hydropower assets
The Vogelgrun demonstration involves adding a small-scale electro-chemical battery to work in hybrid with one of the plant’s turbines.
The Alqueva pumped storage hydropower plant in Portugal is exploring three low capital expenditure opportunities to increase the plant’s services to the...
Z’Mutt is the largest pumped storage hydropower plant of the Grand Dixence hydroelectric complex, featuring five units with a total pumping power of 88 MW.
Vogelgrun is a run-of-river hydropower plant equipped with four 39 MW Kaplan units. For the XFLEX HYDRO demonstration, one of the units is hybridised with a...
Grand'Maison is a pumped storage hydropower plant featuring twelve 150 MW units, consisting of four Pelton turbines and eight reversible pump-turbines.
Frades 2 is a pumped storage hydropower plant, equipped with two variable speed units composed of two 390 MW reversible pump-turbines coupled with doubly-fed…
Alqueva is a pumped storage hydropower plant equipped with four fixed-speed reversible pump-turbine units with a total installed capacity of 520 MW.
Alto Lindoso and Caniçada are two reservoir storage hydropower plants, each equipped with Francis turbine units with a total installed capacity of 630 MW and...
To evaluate the performance of different hydroelectric technologies and solutions under development…
The Frades 2 hydropower plant in the north of Portugal is testing how Hydraulic Short Circuit (HSC) technology can enhance the power regulation services and...
Key words: Frequency containment reserve, Optimal control
The XFLEX HYDRO project has launched new videos about five of the six demonstration projects…
Key words: Real-time systems , Matrix converters
Videos of the three presentations and the live Q&As from the webinar…
The €18 million joint project by 19 leading utilities, equipment manufacturers, universities, research centres, consultancies, including…
At the World Hydropower Congress, participants in the EU-funded energy innovation project XFLEX HYDRO presented the extraordinary advances in digital…
This is the first stage of the ancillary services matrix, which will guide development and technology…
Understanding the power and energy services needed to balance the grid, both now and in the future, is an important first step.
Demand is expected to soar for innovative new hydropower technologies which provide flexibility and resilience for electricity grids…
Key words: Francis turbine, AI, linear regression models
Key words: linearization strategies, Taylor expansion
The project will demonstrate a set of innovative hydroelectric technologies at selected sites across Europe…
Key words: Francis turbine, neural network-based method
Key words: Time-frequency analysis , Power system stability , Control systems
Using laboratory research and real-life demonstrations, the project will inform professionals and decision-makers, who will be convened at regular intervals.
Key words: KPI Matrix, Future scenarios, flexibility needs
A battery energy storage system (BESS) container to be used in the XFLEX HYDRO initiative arrived at EDF’s Volgelgrun hydropower plant on 1 April 2021.
To date, all demonstrations in XFLEX HYDRO have been focused on performing initial studies
Research institute and university The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), is leading work to assess the impact of XFLEX HYDRO’s demonstration
XFLEX HYDRO has launched its first progress report.
Are you involved in the hydropower and wider energy sector? Help us to assess the level of interest in the flexible technologies being demonstrated by XFLEX HYD
XFLEX HYDRO presented a new XFLEX HYDRO report titled ‘Flexibility, technologies and scenarios for hydropower’